Archive for January, 2007
Bad things always come in threes
1) Hidden smoke detector with dead battery Badness scale – Annoyance Resolution: Wake up in the morning and track down the actual smoke detector location 2) Car battery died Badness scale – Inconvenience Resolution: Su picked up a battery at Sears and ran my errands for me so I could do W2s for church. On […]
Posted: January 31st, 2007 under Home.
Comments: 1
Happy Birthday Mom!
Posted: January 28th, 2007 under Family.
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Cold Weather = Dead Batteries
Today’s theme was dead batteries. Sometime around midnight, one of the smoke detectors in our house started beeping. This was odd since Brian is very good about checking and replacing the batteries when we set the clocks (twice a year). We thought it must be because the front entryway was so cold due to temps […]
Posted: January 26th, 2007 under Home.
Comments: 3
January, the busy month
January 1 to February 15 is typically very busy for me, and this year has been no exception. Early January is spent getting the house back in order from our holiday visits. This is also the month that church annual reports are due, church taxes are due, personal taxes get filed, and the weekends are […]
Posted: January 24th, 2007 under Brian, Friends.
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Celebrations of the week
I made my 2006 sales, funding and profit goals. I know it’s only one year in the scheme of things, and I have more aggressive goals for next year, but I am (for at least a few days) basking in the successful result of a lot of hard work. Talbots has a big sale. I […]
Posted: January 17th, 2007 under Susan.
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Fifteen dollar peppers?!
A few years back when I was hiking with my friend AJ in Louisiana his mother made an amazing gumbo. Since I like to cook, I thought I’d better learn how to make this. I found a good recipe on the internet and off I went. It went incredibly well and since then I’ve made […]
Posted: January 11th, 2007 under Brian.
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I took my very first yoga class today. It is hard to describe. I feel invigorated, but also very relaxed. It definitely required physical effort, but I didn’t break a sweat. I was amazed at how much concentration was required to simultaneously breathe, focus my thoughts, and maintain balance in a physical pose. I knew […]
Posted: January 11th, 2007 under Fitness, Susan.
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Running log, 1/6/07
It was 62 degrees when I woke up this morning, and the showers were clearing, so Brian encouraged me to go for a run. It’s really disconcerting to go running in January without wearing any fleece. I was still too hot in a thin long-sleeved shirt and tights. This started out as a normal run, […]
Posted: January 6th, 2007 under Fitness, Susan.
Comments: 1
Back at the ranch
I just read over Su’s description of our trip to the midwest (below) and it looks like she hit all the high points. It was a relaxing and fun time bookended between two drives that seem to get longer every year. Now that I’m back in Newburyport it’s time to get back to normal life. […]
Posted: January 5th, 2007 under Home.
Comments: 1
Anise cookies, new houses, long walks
This post is a potpurri of highlights from our trip. Round one: The story of the washer. Settling down after a long drive. Stopping by the farm, checking on the ducks, and seeing Miriam. She gives the best hugs. Dinner at Aunt Carol and Uncle Bill’s for Christmas Eve with my cousin Pam, her husband […]
Posted: January 2nd, 2007 under Family, Friends.
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