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June 2008
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Archive for June, 2008

What a week

It’s been quite the week with all of the contractor fun going on at the house (see our last two posts) plus trying to get ready for a vacation to see our families. During all this chaos, I got a chance to see my best friend from high school, Hans, who was in town for […]

Central Air Part 2: installing ductwork

The contractors arrived bright and early today for their second day of exploration – I mean installation. I got up even earlier so I could dig up bulbs in the side yard. I didn’t want them to get covered by the condenser when it gets installed. (And for those early birds out there, yes there […]

Central Air Part 1: Inside the walls

The contractors spent today working on our new HVAC system. They removed the old boiler and excess ductwork from the basement. Brian can stand up without bumping his head in several new areas of the basement. I’ve been told this is only temporary, as they contractors will be installing a more efficient branching scheme tomorrow. […]

Potpourri of the week

In the garden, we have three roses growing. The big climber that has been most robust in the past seems to be taking the year off (note the dead looking rose at the right of the photo below). One small rose that we thought was dead, but replanted anyway, is growing! I think it’s reverting […]

Goodbye to Grandpa

This week we’ll be saying goodbye to my grandfather, Arlie Sommer. I’m really lucky to have had a grandfather who lived almost 93 years, and was married to my grandmother for 71 (exactly – he died on their anniversary). I had to chuckle yesterday as I was reflecting on one of our favorite stories about […]