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January 2009
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Archive for January, 2009

Slinky’s got mad skills

While we were filing paperwork in the office, I thought I heard a singing or crying sound.  Brian identified the source as Slinky in the fireplace room, and here’s what we found when we investigated. Slinky is a lot faster than he lets on.  He let it almost get away a few times, only to […]

a little less procrastination, a little more action

It has not been a banner month for following up on New Year’s resolutions, but it hasn’t been terribly bad either. One of my goals was to combat procrastination.  I thought picking one neglected task per week would be a good goal.  Rather than dwelling on how long I’ve been thinking about doing something but […]


As many of you have heard the weather has been cold and snowy with enough warm days to cause some melt before refreezing at night. This has caused some spectacular icicles to form. Yes, they do reach from the roof to the ground (8+ feet.) At what point does a roof become a glacier, anyhow?

improvements in the commute

Monday’s commute was pretty good.  Not too much traffic, a few snarls at merges, but I still made it in under an hour each way. Tuesday’s commute was better.  I picked up Brian Hone – by driving over the Rte 1A bridge!  It’s open!  I forgot how much I enjoy that route to Ipswich.  There […]

no gender stereotypes here

Brian and I collaborated on a delicious dinner.  I requested the barley salad from 500 Best Healthy Recipes, and salmon for dinner.  Brian did the grocery shopping for all the ingredients.  He started the barley salad, I finished it and did the salmon.  I plated dinner, serving salad and salmon over a bed of greens.  […]

It’s a whole new year

Given that it’s a clean slate and a whole new year, we should start out with a blog update and hopefully post a bit more regularly in 2009. We enjoyed our traditional vowel state road trip for the holidays, this time adding a visit to the Sheldons in Chicago to our itinerary of Toledo (Brian’s […]