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September 2024
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Archive for 'Us'

Iceland Day 2

If you just want to see the pictures, click here! Saturday morning We had a hearty continental style breakfast including our first picked whitefish (yum!) along with more muesli and yogurt.  There was fruit and pastry and boiled eggs as well.  After fueling up it was time to hit the road. We debated taking the […]

Iceland Day 1

If you just want to see photos, click here! Thursday evening Despite taking the scenic route through Everett and Revere to avoid I-93 traffic, we arrived at the airport 1 hour earlier than needed. Check-in was fast and we headed to the Air France lounge for “dinner.” The food was ok, the lounge was crowded, […]

Sprung has Spring!

I’m not sure whether the fact we still have isolated patches of snow is a testament to the amount of snow we received, the fact that we have a lot of shade in our yard, or both. In any case the danger of snow appears to have passed and it’s time to start gardening. Last […]

Home again jiggity jig

Thursday was our last full day and we decided to spend it at the Boone Hall Plantation that was conveniently located near the Isle of Palms. While there we took a guided tour of the grounds in an open air trolley, learned a bit about the Gullah, walked through nine slave cabins, and did about […]

SC Days 3 and 4

Day 3 started with our first (and probably only) day of rain. The girls declared this to be a sign that a spa day was in order and the boys decided this would be a great day for napping. The couples ended up going in separate ways for dinner. We had dinner at the Old […]

South Carolina Day 2 – Fort Sumter

Day 2 started perfectly with everyone, including Isaac, sleeping in. We woke up, had breakfast, and checked the schedule for Fort Sumter tours. Fort Sumter is only reachable by ferry so we had an actual schedule to keep. Isaac made things adventurous by having a diaper blowout in the car on the way to the […]

Vacation in Monterey

Mary and Craig got married in July, and invited us to spend a week with them at Asilomar to share in the wedding festivities.  We really enjoyed seeing friends from college, some of whom we’d not seen in 15 years!  We also met some of Craig’s friends from his high school days who were fascinating […]

100 and 44

100 At the end of April I decided to pick a goal race (Bay State Half Marathon) and set a training plan (25 weeks). The first 7 weeks are all base building, trying to get my legs used to doing the longer mileages required in later sections of the plan. I managed to hit all […]

Raised Beds

Both Susan and I grew up with fond memories of home gardens. In Newburyport we had a small back yard with two small 3′ by 6′ patches of soil which we grew food in a few years we lived there. They were less of a garden and more of a patch of dirt we were […]

Montreal Getaway

For several years we’ve talked about heading to Canada for a weekend getaway. We’ve mostly discussed taking a ferry over to Nova Scotia or heading to Quebec City which we’ve heard is full of old world charm. Now that our friend Dan is making regular trips to Montreal we decided to tag along and do […]