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January 2025
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Archive for 'Family'

Slinky “Judd” (Woodmansee), 1997-2017

Slinky was born in Scipio Center, NY to “Matty” Rowlands and the neighbor’s orange tabby barn cat in the spring of 1997.  He was named for his resemblance to the toy – gray with black stripes – and also for the way he’d slink around when stalking a toy, a mouse, or trying to sneak […]

Summer 2013

Oh dear, what happened since May?  June and July have been well documented on our flickr account but we’ve gotten pretty lax in our blogging. Water:  We opened the pool at the beginning of May, and all 3 of us really enjoyed the water thanks to the heater we put in this year.  Isaac started […]

Busy, busy week

Last Monday was the Red Sox home opener and Isaac and I planned to watch it on television. I got Isaac dressed up in a cute baseball outfit and started preparing breakfast. Then the phone rang and it was Mr. Dunn offering us his extra ticket to opening day. We said we’d love to go, […]

Road Trip

Back in February we finalized plans to go to Isle of Palms, SC for a much needed vacation. Our friends Brian, Heather, and their son Liam live in North Carolina and after discussing with them we decided to rent a beach house for the week and enjoy some warmer weather and some new scenery. This […]

Su’s birthday 2013

Last week we celebrated Susan’s birthday in a manner which we frequently do; playing in the snow. Back in 2008 we celebrated with our first big out of town snowshoe trip. Since then a few minor things have changed in our lives like buying a house next to a cross country ski area and having […]

February already?

It’s time for an update on what we were up to in January. On New Year’s Eve we said goodbye to our families and headed back to Chelmsford from Toledo. Isaac was a great traveler at two months old and slept most of the way which meant our trip was not too much longer than […]

Six Weeks Old

We’ve had a lovely time the last few weeks; it’s hard to believe that 6 weeks have already passed since Isaac’s birth.  He was 10 lbs 15 oz and 23 inches long at his 1 month checkup.  He is able to hold up his head when he concentrates and has been finding his thumb more […]

The Story of Isaac’s Birth

Isaac Allan Judd arrived on Saturday November 3 at 3:01 AM.  Here’s the story of his arrival. The start of labor After starting pre-labor contractions on Monday morning, I continued to have contractions through Friday morning.  I blogged about the week from Monday to Thursday previously. Our midwife Kim stopped by at 9:30am to see […]

Reflections on the First Few Weeks with Isaac

I’m working on my blog post of Isaac’s birth, but it’s taking some time to figure out how much I want to say in the blogosphere. In the mean time, here are some reflections on our first three weeks with Isaac Allan Judd. – he’s a good eater!  It  is so helpful to have a […]

Juddmandefer Adventures!

Ken and Leslie came to visit this week! Like me, Ken likes to keep busy with fun activities during vacation, so we were happy to oblige. After they arrived on Monday, Brian picked them up and they settled in, went grocery shopping, picked up a mountain bike for the week, took a short nap, and […]