Archive for August, 2010
Mt. Willey (#38) – The Stairmaster
This weekend we decided to tackle Mt. Willey (4302′), a short but steep hike. Unlike our last hike, we knew this one would climb right out of the parking lot – no warmup, and not much change in grade, just an efficient walk up the mountain followed by retracing our steps down. We set off […]
Posted: August 22nd, 2010 under Hiking, Us.
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Training Update: week 8 (8/2) and week 9 (8/9)
8/2 week: Mountains and Hills Susan and Beej’s weekly mileage: 33.1 miles run and 9.8 miles hiked. Highlights: the hike (see prior post), and the odd feeling running around Maudslay on Sunday that our legs felt better while running than any other time the past 24 hours. 8/9 week: Beej’s weekly mileage: 51.2 Susan’s weekly […]
Posted: August 15th, 2010 under Fitness, Us.
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Mt. Flume (#36) and Mt. Liberty (#37)
We set out on August 7, a gorgeous Saturday, to tackle two more peaks on Brian’s 4000′ list. Because it’s been so dry, and the humidity was forecasted to be low, we thought it was a perfect day to hike Mt. Flume (4325′) and Mt. Liberty (4459′). The guide book rates the loop as a […]
Posted: August 14th, 2010 under Brian, Hiking, Susan.
Comments: 1