Archive for November, 2007
painful yet satisfying
I kinda like this system debugging stuff. Using assumptions like “Greg is almost always right” and approaches like “check the simplest explanation first” I found the root cause and solution to three bugs this afternoon. Ok, this afternoon was about 12 hours, but still, it’s about a week’s worth of normal progress in 12 hours. […]
Posted: November 15th, 2007 under Susan.
Comments: none
Hodge Podge and Beej’s “Big Papi” Birthday
We’ve had two really productive Saturdays in a row. Last weekend we wanted to go hiking to celebrate the offical end of Brian’s lyme disease (he took the last antibiotic that morning) but Hurricane Noel caused the weather to be steady rain, wind and cold all day, so we turned our energies to the Rumpus […]
Posted: November 12th, 2007 under Brian, Home, Susan.
Comments: 2