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August 2007
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Archive for August, 2007

Creepy and Crawly

I like Brian’s name for this Tabblo. Anyone know what’s growing on the caterpillar?  Is that his natural skin, or are some other little insects attacking him?  Or laying eggs on him? Is he going to eat all my tasty tomatoes, or will he balance the fragile ecosystem of our back yard?

Camel’s Hump

This weekend we traveled to Vermont, where some of the White Mountain Jackasses (also known as Steve, Rich, Brian and Susan) decided to enjoy the Green Mountains for a change. Brian and I left Saturday afternoon, checked into the Thatcher Brook Inn, and then went exploring the town of Waterbury. Yes, that’s the home of […]

Things that are soothing

spending time with friends (Church Dinner on Friday) playing the piano (After dinner on Friday, 2 hours) going for a long run (Sunday, 9 miles) reflecting on past successes (Sunday, email to our church consultant) baking (a pie, Monday) trying to catch up on work (Tuesday) asking for advice on tough decisions (Tuesday) cleaning (Brian’s […]

Flat weight, faster feet

Sometimes weight plateaus and sometimes fitness plateaus. While my weight didn’t budge this week after making progress the past two, my running speed increased by leaps and bounds. On Sunday Su and I ran 10k in 57:20 on a hot and humid afternoon. My previous best time this year was 1:00:00 on June 29. On […]

Trying to Shake off the Grumbles

I’ve been pretty grumpy this week. My vocabulary had sunk to two words: “ok.” and “grrrrr” by 7pm last evening, so Brian suggested that I come home for a tasty dinner and try to press the “reset” button on my day. I managed to get even crankier on the way home, so I tried to […]

National Fall Off the Floor Week

Did you get the memo that last week was National Fall Off the Floor Week? If you had been reading Martina Navratilova’s book you would have known this. Su and I have been progressing through the workouts and while they have occasionally taxed us, they haven’t been all too difficult either in strength or agility […]

Temporarily a Pirate

I woke up this morning with a very swollen left eyelid. It’s not a very pleasant thing to discover after leaping from bed when one’s alarm hasn’t gone off and one is now late to a meeting. Fortunately, it was easy to beg off the early meeting and work from home, so my puffy eye […]

New shelves

Our pantry area was sadly lacking in shelves so last week I decided to add 4 12″x42″ shelves to it. We still need to contact paper them, but there is so much more space. Before, during, after photo below.

Plodding slowly downward

Starting weight: 207 Ending weight: 206 Saturday: Slack Sunday: Slack Monday: Martina Tuesday: Bike Wednesday: Martina Thursday: Slack Friday: Slack

Garden Update – green beans

I had one small serving of green beans today. Sorry, I didn’t take a picture before I ate them, so you’ll have to imagine them being small and tender and tasty. I caught the 3 traditional beans before they got too big, and the new variety is turning out very well – long and only […]