May Flowers, and some leftover April showers
While Brian was working in the yard, I was visting my family. We planted a White Oak tree at K.C. Geiger Park on Arbor Day in memory of my Grandpa . It was a beautiful day to spend with Grandma, Mom &Dad, Rich&Sarah and many neighbors and friends in St. Marys. During my weekend trip I enjoyed plenty of sleeping, running, relaxing, catching up with my family, making a gooseberry pie, and attending the Philharmonic’s John Williams tribute concert.
Since then it’s mainly been back to the work whirlwind for me. Work work work, come up for air on the weekend to sleep and run. Brian’s been logging miles in the pool and on the road during the week. We put in a 10.1 mile run today with temps in the upper 70s, the longest and hottest yet this season, at 9:40 minute pace. The trees and shrubs along the way are in full bloom: dogwood, crabapple, cherry, lilac, azalea, forsythia, bleeding heart.
This was the status last weekend when I did a little weeding in our backyard. The tulips have been blooming all week:
All four roses are growing:
The bleeding hearts have done well despite their transplant, and we have volunteer violets:
The perennials have doubled in size since then, and the azalea is in full bloom, but last week the lilacs were just about to bloom:
We have honeybees enjoying all the flowers and our garden is starting to sprout. It’s been a rainy week and the plants all enjoy the sunshine between the showers, as do we!
Posted: May 9th, 2009 under Family, Fitness, Home, Susan.
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Time: July 11, 2009, 2:33 pm
[…] at Pullman Bay Restaurant. After lunch (and a piece of pie) we drove to K.C. Geiger Park to visit Grandpa’s tree. Grandma and the rest of us were in high spirits after such a nice […]
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