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February 2025
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What’s new?

It’s been over a week since I’ve posted real content, so I’ll revert to a highlights reel.

  • My cousin (well, my Mom’s cousin’s daughter) Michelle came to Boston to visit her friend Rekha, who recently moved to Somerville from Indy. We met up for Sunday brunch and compared notes on living in New England vs. Indiana. It was fun to catch up, since we figured it had been 10 years since we’d seen each other, when Michelle last visited Boston. I think that’s two points for Michelle, zero for Susan, so I’ll definitely have to plan a trip to CT to visit her and her husband this summer.
  • I debuted my (short) solo at choir practice today. I was very nervous but it went well the 2nd time. I’m really looking forward to the concert on April 1, 4pm.
  • I’ve been working a reasonable amount [read: not every waking moment, not the past two weekends, not after dinner on weekday evenings, not until 10pm at least once a week] and hanging out with Brian more. Lots of dates, lots of talking and having relaxed dinners together like normal people. It’s fun.
  • I’m still trying to get into a regular workout schedule. It seems to take 3-4 days of good intentions to result in one day of exercise. I’m hoping the ratio improves soon.
  • We had dinner with the Ruedlingers on Saturday. Good wine and cheese, lousy service at the restaurant, great company and conversation.
  • I had one of those “ah-ha!” moments at work today, which will hopefully get me out of my “things are ok but unexciting” phase. Stay tuned.

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